Day 4 - 12:01 - I am in Winnipeg!
Safe and sound at Crystal and Jeff’s house. They are sleeping soundly upstairs and I let myself in and am happily in my basement suite! My lovely hosts will head off to work tomorrow, I will get to sleep in. I will update you tomorrow! Sleep now - in a bed!
Day 3 - Still on the train . . .
The scenery has definitely changed this morning! We are in Saskatchewan, next stop Saskatoon!
To my delight I slept much better last night, I’m getting the hang of this 😁
Of course I also had two seats to myself!
Well they just made the morning announcement and advised that while we were running 5 hours behind due to waiting for numerous freight trains heading to and Edmonton, we made up 3 1/2 hours during the night and hope to make up the rest today and arrive on time in Winnipeg (fingers crossed)
Nice sunrise! The weather has been beautiful
The scenery sure is changing! No more mountains but beautiful country!
The scenery has definitely changed this morning! We are in Saskatchewan, next stop Saskatoon!
To my delight I slept much better last night, I’m getting the hang of this 😁
Of course I also had two seats to myself!
Well they just made the morning announcement and advised that while we were running 5 hours behind due to waiting for numerous freight trains heading to and from Edmonton, we made up 3 1/2 hours during the night and hope to make up the rest today and arrive on time in Winnipeg (fingers crossed)
It’s 3:00 p.m. and we have crossed the border into Manitoba and the change in scenery is amazing. Lots of rolling hills and river valleys and it’s green again instead of the yellow grasses.
Looks like I won’t arrive in Winnipeg until after midnight ☹️
Oh well I’m really looking forward to a good night sleep in a nice comfy bed!
Day 2 on the train
Spectacular Mount Robson, Jasper National Park
Moose Lake
Incredible scenery today as we made our way through the mountains and into Alberta!
Yesterday was a great day for scenery as we traveled into the mountains and along the Fraser Canyon.
I stayed in the Dome Car until sunset then back to my seat. I dozed a little bit and then at 11:30 we stopped in Kamloops for an hour and I went outside for a welcome break and walk.
Sleeping isn’t quite as easy as I thought it would be and I had a bit of a restless night, but it’s 6 am now and a beautiful morning and the coffee shop just opened!😊👍☕️
We travelled all the way to Edmonton today arriving 4 hours behind schedule at 10:30.
In spite of all the freight train delays it was a good day and the scenery was spectacular.
Met Kevin, s coast guard on his way to Rankin Inlet on the coast of Hudson Bai. Nice guy, lives is Port Hardy with his wife and 7 year old son and was pretty sure he’d heard of my brother Terry and even met him when he was in Vancouver!
Day 1 - Continued
Day 1
Groot is ready to go . . .
The Fraser Valley
One of the two dome cars . . .
We are off!
Leaving Vancouver - August 19 at 3pm
June 1st, 2019
My next adventure has begun! In late May I got an email from Via Rail offering an unheard of sale! For the incredible price of $672.00 I could get a rail pass that allows me to book 10 “legs” of train travel anywhere Via Rail goes in Canada 🇨🇦
The rules were simple you must complete your trip within 60 days!
So I bought the rail pass and with Kathy’s assistance booked the first and last legs.
First leg: Vancouver to Winnipeg leaving on August 19/19 at 3:00 p.m. and arriving in Winnipeg August 21/19 at 10:00 p.m.
Last leg: leaving Winnipeg Monday October 14/19 at 9:30 p.m. and arriving home in Vancouver on Thursday October 17/19 at 8:00 a.m.
Now I just have to fill in the middle 8 legs!