At the back of the plane!
Checked in @ YVR
Out the door!
Time to go!
Count down 3 hours and counting. Off to Paris, then Hendaye. Just hope this throat thing is not Strep.
Also hoping I don't get stopped by the Border Guards for importing drugs.
GPS Joy!!!
I got my Spot Connect today! Whoo Hoo!
I set it up and set up a link on this web page.
Now to send my first message.
10 days to go. . .
10 days to go and I have too much to carry. Have to spend the weekend cutting it back drastically!
Leave April 28th
Vacation approved! May 1st to June 12th. Whoo Hoo!
Found a great deal to Paris. KLM - YVR to CDG through AMS for $895 each!
Vacation booked, ticket booked! We are on our way!
Spring 2011
Timing? Do we go March/April or June/July? Cold Rain vs. Hot Rain?
The weather varies by the day. We are walking in a Oceanic Temperate Zone, so rain gear at the ready!
We vote for hot, we can deal with the heat, but cold and wet isn't nice.
A plan is made?!
Sylvia had been asking for years, when will you do the Camino with me. I told her I was not interested in the Camino Frances, but once I started my research - I discovered the Camino Norte and was sold!
After a post Olympic lunch with Sylvia I walked back into the office and said that Sylvia thought I should take 6 weeks off and walk across Spain. Suprisingly, or not, my bosses said "Yes - you should do it!"
And a plan was made!
How it began . . .
In 2005 my friend Sylvia invited me on a walk. We walked along the dyke in Richmond. A lovely path that I had not seen before. We walked from the Airport to Steveston Village. While we walked she told me about the Camino de Santiago a pilgrimage she had read about and was very interested in taking. It was interesting and the walking intrigued me, but I had never thought about travelling to Spain. So I went home and the thought rolled around in my head, and I did what I do . . . research!