They served breakfast at the Miraz albergue and I had bread & peanut butter!! There was also jams and muffins and a tube of something, Bret turned it over and we both let out yelps and jumped back. It was VEGEMITE ! The French woman Helen, and the Spanish guy Carlos decided to taste it and spent the next 5 minutes trying to get the taste out of their mouths while we laughed.
Long day today, 27.5 klms mostly along country roads and lanes until the last 8 along a hwy. it was overcast but didn't rain and we were pretty tired when we reached Sobrado, but we are now 62 klms from Santiago!
I am attaching a photo taken at breakfast initial (due to popular demand) Bret is sitting next to me and Helen ( from France) is across from me with Pedro the Spaniard beside her the two at the end were Spanish as well doing the Camino on bicycles I never got their names. Helen said they weren't real pilgrims anyway cause they weren't walking.