Flowers for Dad
Shopping and errands while others bask on the beach
Day 3
And really cool playgrounds
For the kids
Rain has cleared
Today the path was well marked
When you have to climb up
Destination for tomorrow
Day 1
First Honk
First glimpse of the Ocean
Train to Hendaye
The Eiffel Tower
Apple store & Louvre Pyramid
Landed in Paris
Caught a runner!
Norwegian child running through the airport with no visible supervision. The Aunt in me kicked in.
Sylvia joined me as I started to follow the two year old, carrying a large Chupa Chups sucker the size of his head, he was adventurous and fearless. He walked, ran and wandered nearly the entire length of the terminal before we could eliminate all the possible parental units in his immediate vicinity, we knew it was time to get a professional! We grabbed a woman from a KLM check in desk and they took charge. But, I am still an Aunt and the second most important person in the Aunt relationship is the Mom!
Somewhere in the terminal the was a family realizing that this child was not with whom they thought he was and panic would ensue. So we walked back towards security looking for a commotion. Never did find it, but two laps later we did find a Norweigian man talking to security. I asked if they were looking for a missing child? They were!! Father and child were happily reunited!
So this is why Mom kept Michelle on a leash when she was 3 and we were traveling to South Africa! Good job Mom!
Lesson to learn: Small children traveling should have their name and your cell phone number written in marker on their arm.
Happy ending for all. I am off to catch
my flight to Paris.