May 9:
Santander - Miengo
May 9:
Santander - Miengo
The bus from Bilbao was 90 minutes and only 4.30€. Sightseeing in Santander for Saturday, we should have left Sunday as the town shut down for the day. But we were checked in for two nights. Went to the 50's diner for dinner both nights and had - burgers, chicken fingers and chocolate shakes. It was just below our hotel and it opened at 8pm for dinner!
The Spanish schedule is not condusive to a pilgrims life. We get up early and struggle to find a cafe open for coffee(for the people I walk with). Then we stop for lunch and arrive at the hostel at 2pm - just as every one is closing for siesta. Everything is closed from 2pm to 5pm, so if we can get into the hostel before 4pm, which is unusual, we have to wait until 5pm to buy the food for the next day or supplies to fix your blisters. The stores are open from 5pm to 8pm (9pm in the city) and then dinner doesn't start until 9pm (8pm when we are lucky) because lights out at the hostel is 10pm. SILENCE! And it all starts again the next day!
I just realized the commentary I have written with some of the photos disappears when I attach a photo. I will go back and try to fill in the blanks. It has been a long week. ;-)
Today train to Bilbao and tomorrow bus to Santander. We will take the weekend for sightseeing and start walking again on Monday.
After doing the calculations and figuring out what 25km really was, we realized we don't have 40km in us just yet. The difference is the hiking vs. walking. Walking is much easier!!!!
We don't have enough time to complete the Camino from where we were. Sylvia wanted to fix her feet (blisters- ouch) and I needed a new pack so a change was made.
We took the train from Deba to Bilbao and tomorrow on to Santander.
Today I have sent 2.69kg to the end of the line and 1.17kg home. Bought a new pack that fits and learned how to wear it right.
We start out again from Santander Monday.
Hendaye to Irun - 4km
Irun to Pasai - 17km
Pasai to San Sebastian -16km
San Sebastian to Orio (Train) / Orio to Zarautz 7km
Zarautz to Deba - 25km
Up then down, up then down and down and up and up then down. For 25km with a pack that is too heavy and too small. So today, I have sent 2.69kg to the end of the line and 1.17kg home. Bought a new pack that fits and learned how to wear it right.