Kathy at the beach
Along the way
Finished 5th day (again) - 110.5
Santander to Miengo - 22.5km
Miengo to Santilliana del Mar - 17km
Santilliana del Mar to San Vicente de la Barquera -28km
San Vicente de la Barquera to Colombres - 17km
Colombres to Llanes - 26km
Beach today
Colombres - Llanes
May 13:
Colombres - Llanes
26 km
Sylvia and Roberto bushwhacking 500 metres straight down the hill.
Kathy carried Tiffany's pack for 2km.
Kids for the kids
My passport with the stamps
San Vincente de la Barcquera - Colombres
May 12:
San Vincente de la Barcquera - Colombres
17.9 km
Group dinner and our hosts
More views of the sea
Arbol de Naranja
Walking today
Santillana del Mar - San Vincente de la Barcquera
May 11:
Santillana del Mar -
San Vincente de la Barcquera
28km (because we walked the highway and cut out 11km s/b 39km)
Destination for today
Up hill again
Walking, walking, walking
We walked out of Santander yesterday morning and 40km later we are in Santillana del Mar. Last night we stayed at the La Victoria Posata (pictures forth coming), tonight we are in a hostel behind a museum.
3 rooms, 8 beds in each with one toilet, one shower and a check in room in the middle.
Quite the difference.
Miengo - Santillana del Mar
May 10:
Miengo - Santillana del Mar