Villavicosa to Gijon

May 17:
Villavicosa to Gijon


The highest hills of the trip. I was still wheezing in the chest and didn't think I could handle the climb with my pack.

So Sylvia did this one with out a pack I did this by Bus! I was a sight arriving in Gijon with 2 - 25lb packs one on the front, one on the back.

Llanes - Ribadesella

May 14:
Llanes - Ribadesella

22 km to Pineres
And 10 km in taxi!

We got to the Pineres Hostel and it was full, didn't have 40 places as advertised, only 10. We COULDN'T walk another 10km. The train was a 3 hour wait so we caught a cab. 15euro divided by the 3 people.

Carry two bags then yours feels lighter

It is amazing how the mind works. My friend Tiffany hurt her knee on the Camino, and once we finished 25km yesterday, the last 7 grueling, the knee gave up. But we were not yet at the hostel and not close to a taxi, so I carried my bag and Tiffany's for the last 2km. Since then my bag hasn't felt so heavy, and 20km is a bit easier.