Gorgeous scenery as we left Vancouver and headed north to cross Canada and Greenland to Iceland.It was a good flight, quiet so I got a few hours sleep before we landed at 6:30 a.m. local time.
I took a one hour bus ride into Reykjavík (we hit the morning rush hour) and then a taxi to the town centre. I had got what I thought was local currency at an airport ATM only to have the cab driver throw a mini fit when I tried to pay him! “What’s this money??? I don’t know this money! This is not my money!” Thank goodness for plastic!
After closer examination I saw that I had Danish Kronen not Icelandic Kronen. Oops
After breakfast I went to a local bank and changed it.
I spent some time wandering around the downtown core but it stayed dark until after 10:30 and even then was overcast and -3 and windy
So I made my way back to the airport and am waiting for my London flight now
Hopefully Iceland will be a little brighter and warmer in 6 weeks on my return 😁
Canada Pretty!!